longling.Architecture.install_file 源代码

# coding: utf-8
# 2019/9/20 @ tongshiwei

__all__ = [
    "pytest", "coverage",
    "pysetup", "sphinx_conf", "makefile",
    "readthedocs", "travis", "nni",
    "dockerfile", "gitlab_ci", "chart"

import functools
import os
from collections import OrderedDict
from shutil import copyfile as _copyfile, rmtree, copytree as _copytree

from longling import wf_open, PATH_TYPE
from longling.Architecture.utils import binary_legal_input
from longling.lib.path import abs_current_dir, path_append
from longling.lib.regex import default_variable_replace as dvr
from longling.lib.utilog import config_logging, LogLevel
from longling.lib.yaml_helper import FoldedString, ordered_yaml_load, dump_folded_yaml

from . import config

logger = config_logging(logger="arch", console_log_level=LogLevel.INFO)

META = path_append(abs_current_dir(__file__), "meta_docs")
default_variable_replace = functools.partial(dvr, quotation="\'")

def copytree(src, dst, **kwargs):
    Recursively copy a directory tree.

    Change OVERRIDE mode to specify the operation when dst existed.

    .. code-block :: python

        # to change the OVERRIDE operation
        from longling.Architecture import config
        config.OVERRIDE = False  # skip existed dst
        config.OVERRIDE = None  # use console input to determine
        config.OVERRIDE = False  # override existed dst
    if not override_check(dst):
    elif os.path.exists(dst):
    _copytree(src, dst, **kwargs)

def copyfile(src, dst):
    Copy data from src to dst.

    Change OVERRIDE mode to specify the operation when dst existed.

    .. code-block :: python

        # to change the OVERRIDE operation
        from longling.Architecture import config
        config.OVERRIDE = False  # skip existed dst
        config.OVERRIDE = None  # use console input to determine
        config.OVERRIDE = False  # override existed dst
    if override_check(dst):
        _copyfile(src, dst)

def override_check(path) -> bool:
    Whether to override the specified file or directory

    not override:
     * config.OVERRIDE is False
     * config.OVERRIDE is None and user confirm not to override by console input

    override: bool
        True to override while False not
    if os.path.exists(path):
        if config.OVERRIDE is False:
            logger.error("%s exists, skipped" % path)
            return False
        elif config.OVERRIDE is None and not binary_legal_input("%s exists, override?" % path, _default="n"):
            logger.info("skip %s" % path)
            return False
            logger.info("%s exists, overrided" % path)
    return True

[文档]def template_copy(src: PATH_TYPE, tar: PATH_TYPE, default_value: (str, dict, None) = "", quotation="\'", key_lower=True, **variables): """ Generate the tar file based on the template file where the variables will be replaced. Usually, the variable is specified like `$PROJECT` in the template file. Parameters ---------- src: template file tar: target location default_value: the default value quotation: the quotation to wrap the variable value variables: the real variable values which are used to replace the variable in template file """ if not override_check(tar): return with open(src) as f, wf_open(tar) as wf: for line in f: print( default_variable_replace( line, default_value=default_value, quotation=quotation, key_lower=key_lower, **variables ), end='', file=wf )
[文档]def gitignore(atype: str = "", tar_dir: PATH_TYPE = "./"): """ cli alias: ``arch gitignore`` Parameters ---------- atype: the gitignore type, currently support `docs` and `python` tar_dir: target directory """ src = path_append(META, "gitignore", "%s.gitignore" % atype) tar = path_append(tar_dir, ".gitignore") logger.info("gitignore: copy %s -> %s" % (src, tar)) copyfile(src, tar)
[文档]def pytest(tar_dir: PATH_TYPE = "./"): """ cli alias: ``arch pytest`` Parameters ---------- tar_dir Returns ------- """ src = path_append(META, "pytest.ini") tar = path_append(tar_dir, "pytest.ini") logger.info("pytest: copy %s -> %s" % (src, tar)) copyfile(src, tar)
[文档]def coverage(tar_dir: PATH_TYPE = "./", **variables): """ cli alias: ``arch coverage`` Parameters ---------- tar_dir: variables: These variables should be provided: * project """ src = path_append(META, "setup.cfg.template") tar = path_append(tar_dir, "setup.cfg") logger.info("coverage: template %s -> %s" % (src, tar)) template_copy(src, tar, quotation="", **variables)
[文档]def pysetup(tar_dir="./", **variables): """ cli alias: ``arch pysetup`` Parameters ---------- tar_dir variables Returns ------- """ src = path_append(META, "setup.py.template") tar = path_append(tar_dir, "setup.py") logger.info("pysetup: template %s -> %s" % (src, tar)) template_copy(src, tar, **variables)
[文档]def sphinx_conf(tar_dir="./", **variables): """ cli alias: ``arch sphinx_conf`` Parameters ---------- tar_dir variables Returns ------- """ if variables["docs_style"] == "mxnet": src = path_append(META, "docs/mxnet/conf.py.template") tar = path_append(tar_dir, "conf.py") logger.info("sphinx_conf: template %s -> %s" % (src, tar)) template_copy(src, tar, **variables) src = path_append(META, "docs/mxnet/.math.json") tar = path_append(tar_dir, ".math.json") logger.info("sphinx_conf: copy %s -> %s" % (src, tar)) copyfile(src, tar) src = path_append(META, "docs/mxnet/requirements.txt") tar = path_append(tar_dir, "requirements.txt") logger.info("sphinx_conf: copy %s -> %s" % (src, tar)) copyfile(src, tar) logger.warning( "\n%s\nmodify setup.py according to the components in %s\n%s\n" % ('*' * 60, tar, '*' * 60) ) else: src = path_append(META, "docs/sphinx/requirements.txt") tar = path_append(tar_dir, "requirements.txt") logger.info("sphinx_conf: copy %s -> %s" % (src, tar)) copyfile(src, tar) logger.warning( "\n%s\nmanually run 'sphinx-quickstart' in %s to create necessary components\n%s" % ( '*' * 60, tar_dir, '*' * 60) )
[文档]def readthedocs(tar_dir="./"): """ cli alias: ``arch readthedocs`` Parameters ---------- tar_dir Returns ------- """ src = path_append(META, "docs/.readthedocs.yml") tar = path_append(tar_dir, ".readthedocs.yml") logger.info("readthedocs: copy %s -> %s" % (src, tar)) copyfile(src, tar)
[文档]def dockerfile(atype, tar_dir="./", **variables): """ cli alias: ``arch dockerfile`` Parameters ---------- atype tar_dir variables Returns ------- """ src = path_append(META, "Dockerfile/%s.docker" % atype) tar = path_append(tar_dir, "Dockerfile") logger.info("Dockerfile: %s -> %s" % (src, tar)) template_copy(src, tar, quotation="", **variables)
[文档]def travis(tar_dir: PATH_TYPE = "./"): """ cli alias: ``arch travis`` Parameters ---------- tar_dir Returns ------- """ src = path_append(META, ".travis.yml") tar = path_append(tar_dir, ".travis.yml") logger.info("travis: copy %s -> %s" % (src, tar)) copyfile(src, tar)
[文档]def chart(tar_dir: PATH_TYPE = "./"): """ cli alias: ``arch chart`` Parameters ---------- tar_dir: target directory """ src_dir = path_append(META, "chart") tar_dir = path_append(tar_dir, "chart/") logger.info("chart: copy %s -> %s" % (src_dir, tar_dir)) copytree(src_dir, tar_dir)
def helm_service(host="${KUBE_NAMESPACE}", image_repo="${CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE}", image_port=None, private=True, name="$KUBE_NAMESPACE", image_tag="latest", path_to_api=""): """ Parameters ---------- host image_repo image_port private name image_tag path_to_api Returns ------- """ src = path_append(META, "gitlab-ci/helm_install.gitlab-ci.yml.template") variables = { "NAME": name, "IMAGE_TAG": image_tag, "IMAGE_REPO": image_repo, "HOST": host, "PATH_TO_API": path_to_api, } with open(src, encoding="utf-8") as f: helm_install_commands = "".join(f.readlines()).strip() + "\n" helm_install_commands = default_variable_replace(helm_install_commands, key_lower=False, quotation="", **variables) if image_port: helm_install_commands += "--set \"image.port=%s\"" % image_port + "\n" if private: helm_install_commands += "--set \"dockercfg=$(cat /root/.docker/config.json | base64 | tr -d '\\n')\"" + "\n" if not path_to_api: helm_install_commands += "--set \"ingress.annotations=null\"" + "\n" return FoldedString(helm_install_commands) def _gitlab_ci(commands: dict, stage, image_name, private=True, on_stop=None, manual=False, only_master=False, deployment=True, registry_suffix="", version_in_path=True, **kwargs): name = "$KUBE_NAMESPACE" _commands = commands.get(stage, OrderedDict()) _commands["image"] = image_name script = _commands.get("script", []) if script is None: # pragma: no cover script = [] _commands["script"] = script image_tag = "${API_VERSION}" ci_registry_image = "${CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE}" environment_name = stage export_version = r"export API_VERSION=$(cat chart/Chart.yaml | grep apiVersion | cut -d\ -f2)" if not only_master: image_tag = "${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME}" environment_name += "/${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME}" else: name += "-$API_VERSION" uninstall_heml = "helm uninstall %s || true" % name if deployment: docker_registry_image = "%s:%s" % ("${CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE}", image_tag) script[0] = dvr(script[0], key_lower=False, **{"DOCKER_REGISTRY_IMAGE": docker_registry_image}) if registry_suffix: ci_registry_image += registry_suffix script.insert(0, "export CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE=%s" % ci_registry_image) script.insert(0, export_version) script.append("helm dep build chart") script.append(uninstall_heml) if version_in_path: path_to_api = "${API_VERSION}(/|$)(.*)" else: path_to_api = "" kwargs.update({"host": "${KUBE_NAMESPACE}-%s" % "${API_VERSION}"}) script.append(helm_service(name=name, private=private, path_to_api=path_to_api, image_tag=image_tag, **kwargs)) environment = OrderedDict({"name": environment_name, "url": "https://$KUBE_NAMESPACE.env.bdaa.pro"}) if on_stop is not None: environment["on_stop"] = "stop_%s" % stage if not manual: environment["auto_stop_in"] = "1 week" stop_commands = OrderedDict({ "stage": "%s" % stage, "image": image_name, "script": uninstall_heml, "when": "manual", "variables": {"GIT_STRATEGY": "none"}, "environment": OrderedDict({ "name": environment_name, "action": "stop", }), }) else: stop_commands = None _commands["environment"] = environment if only_master: _commands["only"] = OrderedDict({"refs": ["master"], "kubernetes": "active"}) if manual: _commands["when"] = "manual" commands[stage] = _commands if stop_commands is not None: commands["stop_review"] = stop_commands
[文档]def gitlab_ci(private, stages: dict, atype: str = "", tar_dir: PATH_TYPE = "./", version_in_path=True): """ cli alias: ``arch gitlab_ci`` Parameters ---------- private stages atype tar_dir version_in_path Returns ------- """ base_src = path_append(META, "gitlab-ci", ".gitlab-ci.yml") src = path_append(META, "gitlab-ci", "%s.gitlab-ci.yml" % atype) tar = path_append(tar_dir, ".gitlab-ci.yml") config_template = OrderedDict() with open(base_src) as f: config_template.update(ordered_yaml_load(f)) with open(src) as f: config_template.update(ordered_yaml_load(f)) logger.info("generate %s" % tar) with wf_open(tar) as wf: for _c in ["variables", "cache"]: if _c in config_template: print(dump_folded_yaml({_c: config_template[_c]}), file=wf) print(dump_folded_yaml({"stages": [stage for stage in stages.keys() if stage in config_template]}), file=wf) for stage, params in stages.items(): if stage == "docs": params["registry_suffix"] = "/docs" elif stage in {"test", "build"}: params["deployment"] = False if stage not in config_template: logger.warning("%s is not listed in %s, skipped" % (stage, src)) continue commands = {stage: config_template[stage]} _gitlab_ci(commands, stage, private=private, version_in_path=version_in_path, **params) print(dump_folded_yaml(commands), file=wf) if private: print("*" * 30) print("私有项目注意") print( "在项目的settings->repository->Deploy Tokens 添加一个name为gitlab-deploy-token、" "其他两项留空的具有read_registry权限的token" ) print("*" * 30)
[文档]def makefile(tar_dir="./", **variables): """ cli alias: ``arch makefile`` Parameters ---------- tar_dir variables Returns ------- """ src = path_append(META, "Makefile.template") tar = path_append(tar_dir, "Makefile") logger.info("makefile: template %s -> %s" % (src, tar)) template_copy(src, tar, default_value=None, quotation='', **variables)
[文档]def nni(tar_dir="./"): """ cli alias: ``arch nni`` and ``install nni`` Parameters ---------- tar_dir Returns ------- """ src_dir = path_append(META, "nni") for file in ["_config.yml", "_search_space.json"]: copyfile(path_append(src_dir, file), path_append(tar_dir, file))