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The project contains several modules for different purposes:

  • lib serves as the basic toolkit that can be used in any place without extra dependencies.
  • ML provides many interfaces to quickly build machine learning tools.

Quick scripts

The project provide several cli scripts to help construct different architecture.

Neural Network

  • glue for mxnet-gluon


Provide several general tools, consistently invoked by:

longling $subcommand $parameters1 $parameters2

To see the help information:

longling -- --help
longling $subcommand --help

Take a glance on all available cli.

The cli tools is constructed based on fire. Refer to the documentation for detailed usage.


Split dataset

target: split a dataset into train/valid/test

longling train_valid_test $filename1 $filename2 -- --train_ratio 0.8 --valid_ratio 0.1 --test_ratio 0.1

Similar commands:

  • train_test
longling train_test $filename1 -- --train_ratio 0.8 --test_ratio 0.2
  • train_valid
longling train_valid $filename1 -- --train_ratio 0.8 --valid_ratio 0.2
  • Cross Validation kfold
longling kfold $filename1 $filename2 -- --n_splits 5
Display the tree of content
longling toc .

such as

├── __init__.py
├── __pycache__/
│   ├── __init__.cpython-36.pyc
│   └── toc.cpython-36.pyc
└── toc.py
Quickly construct a project
longling arch

or you can also directly copy the template files

longling arch-cli

To be noticed that, you need to check $VARIABLE in the template files.

Result Analysis

The cli tools for result analysis is specially designed for json result format:

longling  max $filename $key1 $key2 $key3
longling  amax $key1 $key2 $key3 --src $filename

For the composite key like {'prf':{'avg': {'f1': 0.77}}}, the key should be presented as prf:avg:f1. Thus, all the key used in the result file should not contain :.